API Reference

Below is a list of error codes returned by the Pix cash-out API. These errors are sent in the cash-out webhook, where the error code will be provided in the "error_code" parameter and the descriptive message in the "reason" parameter. The codes cover a wide range of errors that can occur during transaction processing, from validation failures to problems with settlement banks or receivers.

Make sure you properly handle these errors in your system in order to provide a better user experience and ensure transactions are handled efficiently.

Parameters that return errors in Webhooks: "error_code" and "reason"

  • Error Code: The error code will be found in the "error_code" parameter of the webhook.
  • Error Message: The corresponding message will be available in the "reason" parameter of the webhook.

Error CodeError Message
OUT001Pix key not found
OUT002Pix key search has failed
OUT003The transaction was rejected by the settlement bank
OUT004The transaction was failed due to error on settlement bank
OUT005The transaction was rejected by the receiving bank
OUT006The transaction was failed due to timeout on receiving bank
OUT007The transaction was denied due to a risk rule
OUT008The provided CPF/CNPJ does not match the recipient’s CPF/CNPJ
OUT009The transaction was failed due to timeout on settlement bank
OUT010No provider available
OUT011Cash-outs are not allowed for legal entities
OUT012The transaction was failed due to error on receiving bank
OUT013Amount limit per transaction, set by the settlement bank, has been exceeded
VAL001Invalid amount
VAL002Invalid CNPJ
VAL003Invalid CPF
VAL004Invalid document number (CPF/CNPJ)
VAL005Invalid email address
VAL006Invalid EndToEndId: {value}
VAL007The public key is not valid
VAL008Password is too weak
VAL009Invalid txid
VAL010Invalid wallet ID format!
VAL011Invalid pix key format
AC003Account not active
AC001Account has no sufficient funds for cash-out
PLN004The minimum balance allowed to make cash out is {min}
PLN003The maximum charge amount allowed for your accounts is {max}
PLN002The maximum cash out amount allowed for your accounts is {max}
PLN006Cash-out daily limit reached
PLN007Cash-in daily limit reached
IN001The charge creation has failed due to error on settlement bank
PCO011The correlation id has already been taken.